Ignite Your Intuition || Spirit Work Session



This is a Spirit Work Session.

"Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason". - Psychology Today

โ€œOur bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our souls: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don't know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.โ€
โ€• C. JoyBell C.

This Spirit Work session is for those looking to explore their innate intuitive gifts. We all have within each of us, an intuitive centre and within that intuitive centre reside our intuitive faculties, skills that are unique to each and every one of us. This reading will assist those who are ready to explore and or develop their intuitive faculties and by doing so, strengthen their intuition as a whole.

This session is a highly intuitive one, so much so that it bleeds into channelling and mediumship which is a love and passion of mine. Through this reading and with the guidance of Spirit, I will endeavour to assist you in connecting you with a skill that is innately a part of your intuitive self. This could mean strengthening a skill you know you have or assisting you to awaken an intuitive skill that lays dormant within you.

This session is for those who are ready to do the work. Developing skills like this does not necessarily come easily to most and that is perfectly fine. Yes, there are those out there with a natural ability in this arena and that is a beautiful thing. But for those who have been raised in a manner that has caused them to suppress their inner voice and with that their talents, then there is work to do. So please think carefully and ask yourself.... Are you ready to do the work?

This is a private Spirit Work Session delivered in video format, approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour in length.

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Beautiful Soul, what drew you to this reading? please share your reasons with me. The more information I have to work with the clearer the reading will be. All your information is kept private and confidential.


When you purchase this SPIRIT WORK SESSION there is 4 to 6 week turn around from the time your payment clears. Depending on my schedule your Spirit session could be ready sooner however, I am usually booked weeks in advance and require the full length of time specified. My time may also be impacted by unexpected technical issues and special occasions such as religious holidays and Sabbath celebrations where I have family and spiritual obligations as many of us do.

When your Spirit session has been completed I will upload the HD Video to YouTube as unlisted video meaning that the only way you can view that video is if you have the direct link to that video. I will then Etsy message you the link to your private video session. Please ensure that if you would prefer that I email the link to you, please ask me to do so and also check that the email address you have specified is correct and up to date.

All of my Spirit Work sessions are done within the sanctity of sacred space and in the presence of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Your guides and guardians add greatly to the energy of this these sessions and so I will always respectfully and with your best interest at heart call forth both yours and my guides for the purpose of attaining a clear connection with both you the seeker and spirit.

I will always approach your Spirit Work sessions professionally with authenticity, sensitivity and kindness. As an Ethical Intuitive Spirit Worker, I am a Spirit Medium and a Seer. These skills were cultivated through my multicultural upbringing. I am Brazilian born and was raised in Rio de Janeiro in the Centro Espirito Sao Joao Batista. This is a Spiritist and Occult centre in Coelho Neto. There, they practice Umbana and Candomble. My mother is Ekedi, My late Grandmother Delcilia was the Baba or Mae of our centre and my sisters are Medio Rodante like myself.

I have included links to videos of my family and the Centro Sao Joao Batista for you to see for yourself what I am speaking of. I don't claim lineage willy-nilly, nor do I use my lineage to justify and invoke sovereignty. I am simply stating it here as it is relevant to my story and is rather crucial in understanding how I became a professional Spirit Worker.

Video Links:

Day in the Life, Rio Witching: https://youtu.be/pcuNBQ-c2-4
Family Altar Tour - https://youtu.be/eu4qZDXM2zc
Story of my Lineage and the Umbanda centre: https://youtu.be/p6GRjyH2u80


Your privacy is important to me, please know this. Your personal details will always remain private and confidential as will the results of your Spirit Work session. Your private Spirit session will always be available for you to enjoy so please keep your private video link in a secure location. Furthermore, should you encounter anything in the Spirit session that you are unclear about, do not hesitate to contact me. All of your questions will be treated as confidential and dealt with courteously.


Lastly, Spirit Work is not for the faint of heart, it is an avenue for empowerment which when used correctly can become a catalyst for spiritual growth. Sprit work is also notorious for telling you what you, the seeker needs to hear, not what you want to hear and so it is necessary for you to take that into consideration. Spirit Work can be profound and so, it is important that you allow your self the necessary time to allow the information given to you through this session, to sink in and acclimate to your own theories and practice.

Another thing to consider is that I can not perform a Spirit Work session without your help. Therefore I ask that you respond to any questions that I may have for you in a timely fashion.


Please note that it is an Ethical requirement that you be 18+ in order to purchase a Spirit Work session from me. If you are under the age of 18 then please have your parent or legal guardian contact me. Please do not be intoxicated or under the influence of mind-altering substances when placing your order for a Spirit Work session. And most importantly, my Spirit Work sessions are not a substitute for the advice given by a medical doctor and or Psychologist/Mental Health Professional.

If you have any further questions, then please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to sharing sacred space with you.


Avalon Cameron