Hush Tarot Review
Hush Tarot
by Jeremy Hush
The Hush Tarot has truly stolen my heart.
From the moment I saw it on the shelves of the Page & Cup, I just knew that I had stumbled upon something extraordinary. The artwork was fast to capture my attention, I find it to be a mix of antique pirate portraiture, the unfurling mists of the otherworld and the Fey. The Hush Tarot is rich in animal imagery depicted reverently to allow for the notion of Spirit animal to filter through. If I’m being entirely truthful, I don’t find myself naturally drawn to animal-based decks, and yet I adore this deck for the way in which the artist chose to depict the Spirit of these animals. It is beautiful work.
When I work with this deck, I feel as though I am holding a frame through which I may gaze upon a picture. The Hush is my Spirit frame, and the messages it allows me to see are stark as they are eloquent. You might say that it is a cruel beauty. That said, it is not a truly cold deck. In fact, it can be quite warm and approachable once you acclimate to its curious otherworldly energy.
Not really a deck for beginners
I wouldn’t exactly recommend the Hush Tarot to the absolute beginner. The Hush Tarot is a little too obscure and is far better suited to the intermediate and advanced Tarot student. It is also an excellent deck for Witches and Mystics. The animal Spirit aspect speaks loudly for those who possess a knack to hear it.
The deck was produced by US Games Systems
The cardstock is your run of the mill standard for US Games. Semi-gloss, easy to shuffle, an almost waxy feel to it.
It is a standard 78 card deck
Card size 3.03 x 4.53 in. = 7.70cm x 11.50cm
Non-traditional tarot art
The companion book is short and concise and makes for a good read, particularly for animal information.
Card backs are reversible.
The Hush Tarot is surprisely workable. I find that it’s suitable for creative and soulful readings and provides plenty of opportunity for journaling if you are into hitting the pages.
I really like The Hush Tarot.
Hello beautiful souls, in this video I talk about my favourite Summer Decks. This Summer I have worked closely with a selection of tarot and oracle decks and as such, I have some gems to share with you this Summer. You can consider this video to be my favourite summer decks for 2021. When I say it's hot here, I mean HOT!!!!