Welcome to the blog

I’m delighted to announce that I will now be blogging here on my website. I love to write. I have been writing stories and sharing information for well over two decades but I have never really committed to a blog. This year, I would like to try out the whole blogging process and I hope I will stick with it.

I plan on writing about so many different things that impact my life. I would like to write about my magical upbringing as a hereditary Witch. I would like to write about Tarot, Oracle and other card-based divination systems. I would like to share thoughts on Magical Parenting and living Off-Grid in a Tiny Home. There is so much that I wish to write about, so much I want to share.

The time feels write to do it all! So, I would like to introduce you to “let’s Talk Magic” a place where I can share my thoughts curiosities and experiences with you. I hope you enjoy it.

If there is anything you would like me to write, then do let me know. I am totally open to suggestions.


Ritual & The Maiden Oracle