Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot Court Cards: A Myers-Briggs Perspective

Hello, Tarot lovers and Cardslingers,

Today, we are going to be taking a little deep dive into one of the trickiest aspects of tarot: the Court Cards. These cards can often leave students mystified, baffled and scratching their heads, but fear not! We're going to explore each court card through the lens of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), with a sprinkle of pop culture for good measure. So, grab your tarot deck, and let's dive in!

As always, if you want to read the longer version of this blog post, you can visit my Patreon page and join the Cardslinger tier.

The Court Cards: An Overview

Before we get into the individual cards, let's have a quick refresher on the court cards. The court cards in a traditional tarot deck consist of the Page, Knight, Queen, and King for each suit: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. These cards often represent people, personalities, or stages of development.

Pages: The Beginners and Learners

Pages are the youthful and curious members of the court. They embody the spirit of new beginnings, learning, and exploration.

Page of Wands

Page of Wands from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ENFP - The Campaigner

  • Pop Culture Reference: Hermione Granger from Harry Potter - The brightest witch of her age, always ready to take on new adventures and learn everything she can.

  • Keywords: Inspiration, Enthusiasm, Adventure

    The Page of Wands is all about the spark of inspiration and the excitement of new ventures. Like our beloved Hermione Granger, this card is brimming with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge.

Page of Cups

Page of Cups form the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: INFP - The Mediator

  • Pop Culture Reference: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter - The whimsical and dreamy witch who sees the world through her unique, empathetic lens.

  • Keywords: Creativity, Emotion, Imagination

The Page of Cups invites us to embrace our inner dreamer. With Pisces's gentle, intuitive nature, this card encourages emotional exploration and creativity. Luna Lovegood's whimsical and empathetic personality perfectly captures the essence of the Page of Cups.

Page of Swords

The Pages of Swords from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ENTP - The Debater

  • Pop Culture Reference: Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock - The brilliant detective with an insatiable curiosity and a sharp mind.

  • Keywords: Curiosity, Inquiry, Vigilance

The Page of Swords is the sharp-minded investigator, always on the lookout for new information and perspectives. This card is all about intellectual curiosity and communication. Sherlock Holmes' keen analytical mind and love for solving puzzles make him a perfect match for the Page of Swords.

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles form the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ISTJ - The Logistician

  • Pop Culture Reference: Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings - The loyal and hardworking hobbit who embodies dedication and practicality.

  • Keywords: Diligence, Practicality, Growth

The Page of Pentacles is a diligent and practical student eager to learn and grow. This card emphasises the importance of hard work and dedication. Samwise Gamgee's steadfast loyalty and practicality perfectly embody the Page of Pentacles.

Knights: The Adventurers and Doers

Knights are dynamic and action-oriented, representing the pursuit of goals and ambitions.

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands from the Radiant Wise Spirt tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ESTP - The Entrepreneur

  • Pop Culture Reference: Indiana Jones from Indiana Jones - The fearless archaeologist who is always on an adventure, embodying courage and boldness.

  • Keywords: Adventure, Boldness, Courage

The Knight of Wands is a fearless adventurer, charging forward with enthusiasm and confidence. This card is all about embracing new experiences and taking bold risks. Indiana Jones' daring exploits and adventurous spirit make him a perfect embodiment of the Knight of Wands.

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups from the Radiant Wise Spirt Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: INFJ - The Advocate

  • Pop Culture Reference: Romeo from Romeo and Juliet - The passionate and idealistic lover who follows his heart.

  • Keywords: Romance, Idealism, Passion

The Knight of Cups is a romantic and idealistic knight, driven by deep emotions and a sense of purpose. This card embodies passion and intuition. Romeo's poetic and romantic nature perfectly captures the essence of the Knight of Cups.

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ENTJ - The Commander

  • Pop Culture Reference: Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings - The determined and strategic warrior who leads with strength and clarity.

  • Keywords: Strategy, Determination, Clarity

The Knight of Swords is a strategic and determined warrior, charging forward with clarity and purpose. This card is all about innovation and leadership. Aragorn's unwavering determination and strategic mind make him a perfect embodiment of the Knight of Swords.

Knight of Pentacles

  • MBTI Type: ISFJ - The Defender

  • Pop Culture Reference: Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones - The loyal and disciplined knight who embodies dedication and reliability.

  • Keywords: Reliability, Discipline, Hard Work

The Knight of Pentacles is a reliable and disciplined knight, dedicated to achieving his goals with patience and hard work. This card emphasises practicality and perseverance. Brienne of Tarth's unwavering loyalty and determination perfectly embody the Knight of Pentacles.

queens: The Nurturers and INTUITIVE

Queens are nurturing and intuitive, representing the mature, feminine aspects of the suits.

Queen of wands

Queen of Wands from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo

  • MBTI Type: ESFP - The Entertainer

  • Pop Culture Reference: Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones - The charismatic and passionate leader who inspires others with her vision.

  • Keywords: Charisma, Leadership, Passion

The Queen of Wands is the charismatic and passionate leader, radiating confidence and warmth. This card embodies creativity and enthusiasm. Daenerys Targaryen's fierce determination and charismatic leadership make her a perfect embodiment of the Queen of Wands.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ENFJ - The Protagonist

  • Pop Culture Reference: Morticia Addams from The Addams Family - The nurturing and intuitive matriarch who deeply understands and cares for her family.

  • Keywords: Empathy, Nurturing, Intuition

The Queen of Cups is a nurturing and intuitive queen who is deeply connected to her emotions and the emotions of others. This card emphasises empathy and understanding. Morticia Addams' nurturing and intuitive nature perfectly captures the essence of the Queen of Cups.

Queen of Swords

  • MBTI Type: INTJ - The Architect

  • Pop Culture Reference: Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter - The intelligent and strategic professor who leads with wisdom and fairness.

  • Astrology: Libra - Analytical, fair, and strategic

  • Numerology: Number 7 - Wisdom, introspection, and spirituality

  • Kabbalah: Binah (Understanding) - Intuition and wisdom

  • Jungian Information: Represents the sage archetype, symbolizing intellect and clarity

  • Keywords: Clarity, Wisdom, Fairness

The Queen of Swords is an intelligent and strategic queen known for her clarity and fairness. This card embodies wisdom and analytical thinking. Minerva McGonagall's sharp intellect and strategic mind make her a perfect embodiment of the Queen of Swords.

Queen of Pentacles

Queen from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ISFJ - The Defender

  • Pop Culture Reference: Molly Weasley from Harry Potter - The practical and nurturing mother who takes care of her family with love and dedication.

  • Keywords: Practicality, Nurturing, Reliability

The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing and practical queen dedicated to providing for and supporting others. This card emphasises reliability and resourcefulness. Molly Weasley's nurturing and practical nature perfectly embodies the Queen of Pentacles.

Kings: The Leaders and Masters

Kings are the authoritative and mature figures of the court, symbolising mastery, control, and leadership.

King of Wands

King of Wands from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ENTJ - The Commander

  • Pop Culture Reference: Tony Stark (Iron Man) from Marvel Cinematic Universe - The charismatic and innovative leader who always looks forward and inspires others with his vision.

  • Keywords: Vision, Leadership, Confidence

The King of Wands is a charismatic and visionary leader who always looks forward and inspires others with his enthusiasm. This card is about ambition and boldness. Tony Stark's (Iron Man) innovative mind and dynamic leadership perfectly capture the essence of the King of Wands.

King of Cups

  • MBTI Type: INFJ - The Advocate

  • Pop Culture Reference: Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation - The wise and empathetic captain who balances his emotions and intellect to guide others.

  • Keywords: Wisdom, Compassion, Balance

The King of Cups is a wise and compassionate ruler who balances his emotions and intellect to guide others. This card embodies empathy and emotional depth. Jean-Luc Picard's calm and empathetic leadership make him a perfect embodiment of the King of Cups.

King of Swords

  • MBTI Type: INTJ - The Architect

  • Pop Culture Reference: Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings - The wise and strategic wizard who leads with clarity and fairness.

  • Keywords: Clarity, Justice, Strategy

The King of Swords is a logical and fair-minded leader known for his clear thinking and rational decision-making. This card embodies analytical prowess and justice. Gandalf's wisdom, strategic thinking, and sense of justice make him a fitting embodiment of the King of Swords.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

  • MBTI Type: ESTJ - The Executive

  • Pop Culture Reference: Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones - The practical and authoritative ruler who embodies resourcefulness and reliability.

  • Keywords: Authority, Resourcefulness, Success

The King of Pentacles is a practical and resourceful ruler, master of the material realm and wealth. This card emphasises reliability and prosperity. Tywin Lannister's authoritative and resourceful nature perfectly embodies the King of Pentacles.

And there you have it!

Understanding the court cards can be a delightful and insightful adventure, especially when you explore their rich connections to MBTI pop culture. Each card court card brings with it a unique energy and perspective, making your tarot readings more nuanced. The more you know about the court cards, the better you will become at interpreting the tarot cards.

IF you are interested in reading more about the Tarot Court, then one of the best books that I can recommend is this one right here: Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary Kate Greer.

If you found this exploration helpful and want to delve even deeper into the mystical world of tarot, consider joining my Patreon! By becoming a member, you'll gain access to exclusive content and detailed lessons that are designed to enhance your understanding and practice of tarot. Join here to start your journey towards mastery.

Happy reading, and may your tarot journey be ever-enlightening!

Avalon ๐Ÿ’œ


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