How Often Should You Read Tarot? Navigating the Fine Line Between Insight and Overload

Hello, Tarot lovers! 🧙‍♀️✨

Avalon Cameron here, diving into the age-old question: "How often should you read tarot?" Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, it’s easy to get caught up in the intoxicating allure of the cards. That said, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. So, let’s explore when tarot reading becomes too much, the pitfalls of over-reading, and how to find a healthy balance within your own personal tarot practice.

When is Too Much?

Tarot is a powerful tool for guidance, life mapping, healing, and so much more, this we all know. But what not all of us do know is that even the best tools can be overused. If you find yourself doing multiple readings daily on the same issue, it might be time to step back and seek an alternative perspective. Tarot should provide clarity, not create confusion.

So, how can you tell when it’s too much? Here are a few signs:

  • Conflicting Messages: If you’re getting wildly different answers to the same question, it’s a sign that the cards (or you) are overwhelmed.

  • Feeling Anxious or Stressed: Instead of feeling enlightened, you feel anxious or stressed after a reading.

  • Inability to Make Decisions: You rely so heavily on the cards that you can’t make decisions without consulting them.

Remember, tarot is meant to be a guide, not a crutch.

The Detriment of Reading After Reading

Constantly seeking answers from the cards can lead to frustration and anxiety. Imagine asking a Magic 8-Ball the same question over and over. Eventually, it’s just going to say, “Ask again later,” because even it knows when to give it a rest! 😂🔮 Tarot readings should leave you feeling enlightened, empowered, motivated and inspired, not more perplexed.

When you repeatedly ask the same question, you might also find yourself in a loop, seeing the same cards repeatedly, a phenomenon referred to as “Stalker Cards or Recurring Cards”.This can create a false sense of urgency or doom. The tarot isn’t meant to predict every minor twist and turn of your life but to provide insight and clarity when needed.

The Difference Between Reading Tarot Too Much and a Tarot Daily Draw

A daily draw is a great way to connect with your deck and gain quick insights. It’s like having a morning chat with your cards over coffee. ☕️✨ You pull one card, reflect on its message, and let it guide you through your day. It’s simple, insightful, and doesn’t lead to information overload.

On the other hand, repeatedly asking the same question is like searching for your keys in the same spot – it’s not productive and can be super frustrating. When you constantly seek the same answers, you’re more likely to misinterpret the cards’ messages and become dependent on the readings rather than trusting your intuition and judgment.

Emotional Implications of Reading Tarot Too Often

Over-relying on tarot can mess with your emotions. Frequent readings on the same topic can lead to anxiety and stress, making you feel dependent on the cards. Instead of feeling empowered and enlightened, you might feel trapped and uncertain. The energy of the nine of swords springs to mind here.

Consider this: tarot is supposed to be your wise friend, not your emotional life raft. When you lean on the cards too much, you might:

  • Feel Overwhelmed: Constant readings can make you feel overwhelmed by information.

  • Become Obsessive: You might become obsessed with getting the “right” answer.

  • Lose Trust in Yourself: Over-reliance on tarot can erode your confidence in making decisions independently.

It’s crucial to recognise when tarot is helping you versus when it’s becoming a source of stress. When your tarot practice has become stressful, it’s safe to say that your tarot practice has become a little toxic, too.

Finding the Balance: A Practical Guide

So, how do you find the right balance? Here are some tips to help you navigate your tarot practice without falling into the over-reading trap:

  1. Set a Schedule: Limit yourself to a certain number of readings per week. Think of it as a detox for your tarot habit. Start with once a week and see how it feels.

  2. Daily Draws with Intention: If you enjoy daily draws, do them with intention. Focus on a single card, reflect on its meaning, and apply its message thoughtfully throughout your day.

  3. Journal Your Readings: Keep a tarot journal to track your readings. This not only helps you remember the insights but also prevents you from asking the same questions repeatedly. Journaling can also reveal patterns in your readings that you might not notice otherwise.

  4. Mix It Up: Instead of always seeking answers from the cards, try other methods of introspection like meditation, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend. Sometimes, a break from the cards can offer a fresh perspective.

  5. Consult with a Professional: If you’re feeling stuck, consider booking a session with a professional tarot reader. They can offer unbiased insights and help you see things you might be missing. (if you would like a reading with me, then I’m here for you, lovely).

The Importance of Tarot Ethics

Let’s not forget tarot ethics! Just like you wouldn’t want someone prying into your life uninvited, it’s crucial to respect the boundaries of tarot. Over-reading can lead to ethical dilemmas, especially if you’re reading for others. Make sure to give yourself and your querents space to process the readings.

Pop Culture Parallels

Think of tarot like Dumbledore’s Pensieve in Harry Potter. 🧙‍♂️✨ It’s a tool to look at memories (or situations) from a different perspective, not a device to live in those memories. Overuse can lead to becoming stuck in the past or obsessed with potential outcomes, rather than living in the present day and being grateful and mindful of all you have.


In the end, tarot should be a source of guidance, not a source of stress. Find your balance, respect the cards, and trust in the process. What are your experiences with over-reading? Have you ever felt like you were consulting the cards too much? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. Let’s navigate this mystical journey together! 🔮✨

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Thanks for spending this time with me and my thoughts,

Avalon 💜


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